Lord of the Rings, the iconic fantasy series created by J.R.R. Tolkien, has captured the imagination of millions around the world. From epic battles to touching love stories, this timeless tale offers a wealth of inspiration for various aspects of our lives, including the art of romance. In this article, we delve into the depths of Middle-earth to bring you the Lord of the Rings Pick Up Lines carefully crafted to ignite a spark of love and passion.
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Best Lord of the Rings Pick Up Lines
- What do you say we go back to my place and light the beacons of Gondor?
- Want to come back to my place and smoke a little Longbottom leaf?
- Baby, I’ll make you scream like the Nazgul.
- Was your a$$ forged by Sauron? That sh!t looks precious.
- My staff is even bigger than Gandalf’s.
- Did it hurt when you fell from the Timeless Halls?
- Hey baby, wanna blow my Horn of Gondor?
- Boy, you’re glowing. Are there Orcs nearby or are you just happy to see me?
- I’d love to climb your Lonely Mountain.
- Are you Gandalf? Because you have me seeing fireworks.
- Was your a$$ forged by Sauron? That sh!t looks precious.
- My blade is never broken.
- My feet are bigger than Bilbo’s… and you know what they say about big feet.
- Say girl, looks like meats back on the menu.
- I want you in my hobbit hole.
- I last longer than Boromir.
- The fires of Mount Doom aren’t nearly as hot as you are.
- Girl, you’re glowing. Are there orcs nearby or are you just glad to see me?
- I’d climb the Endless Stair to be with you.
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Funny Lord of the Rings Pick Up Lines
- Your beauty has pierced my heart like a Morgul Blade.
- I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.
- I gave her my sword. And my bow. And my axe.
- I erupt like Mount Doom for you, baby!
- Every teenage hobbit girl has been to Fuckleberry Ferry a few times.
- You don’t need One Ring to find me.
- My love is like Lembas bread, one taste to get your fill.
- Girl you are my ring and I’m your Golum because girl: You´re MY precious!
- My feet are as big as a hobbit’s, and you know what they say about big feet.
- My love for you is deeper than the lodes of Mithril in Khazad-dum.
- My elf eyes only see you.
- Just wait until sunset — that’s when I’m going to open your secret door.
- Are you an orc? Because you’re making my Sting glow.
- Watch out – I’m about to rescue you from Lonely Mountain.
- Was your face forged by Sauron? ‘Cause you’re preciousssss.
- No, that’s not an oliphaunt in my pants, but thanks for noticing.
- Speak, friend, and enter… your number into my phone.
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Short Lord of the Rings Pick Up Lines
- Are you the Ring? ‘Cause I’ve got my eye on you.
- I’ve got a feeling you’re about to become my Precious.
- I’ll take your Hobbit to my Isengard.
- I must be the ring and you must be Bilbo, because you’ve got me wrapped around your finger.
- Girl, you’re like a Balrog – smokin’ hot!
- I wanna go inside your hobbit hole.
- Beard can be red; A blade can glow blue; There is only one precious, and that must be you.
- Excuse me, but are you Arwen? You are so beautiful that I think I have entered a dream.
- Your rejection would destroy me like an Ent destroys Isengard.
- A wizard is never premature. He finishes precisely when he means to.
- I’d love to explore your two towers.
- Are you an orc? Because you’re making my Sting glow.
- You must be a Ring of Power, ’cause I want to keep you!
- No, we haven’t met, unless you count in the Mirror of Galadriel.